Myopia control

Early diagnosis of your child’s myopia not only corrects their vision now, but can help slow the progress of myopia and preserve their vision and eye health for the future.

Myopia (short-sightedness)

In 2010 there were approximately 2 billion people with myopia and this is projected to be rise significantly to 5 billion people by 2050. (Holden et al, Ophthalmology 2016)

There are many reasons for this increase, our Contact Lens partners CooperVision UK, have summarised them in two categories, Genetics and Lifestyle:

Myopia in children increases when parents are myopic. The risk is nearly:

  • 1 in 2 – When both parents are myopic
  • 1 in 3 – When one parent is myopic
  • 1 in 4 – When neither parent is myopic

Modern Lifestyles may influence the development of myopia

  • Low levels of outdoor activity
  • Prolonged near tasks such as reading and gaming on portable devices
  • Poor lighting levels

(CooperVision UK, 2019)

Why does it matter that my child is Myopic?

If you think of myopia as the eye being a little longer in length than someone’s who is not myopic. With this extra stretch comes a thinning of the retina making the eye more vulnerable to conditions such as, but not limited to, a retinal detachment.

Coopervision UK have complied the following odds ratio of myopia associated pathology versus increases in myopic prescription.

(CooperVision UK, 2019)

Myopia Management

We are very happy to announce that there are many ways in which we can work to slow the progression of myopia. Advances in technology and continued studies in this area now allow for a choice of management methods from spectacles to contact lenses.

During your appointment with the Optometrist they will explain their findings, look at the family history and lifestyle of the child and make recommendations to best assist in the myopia management specific to your child.

Call our team to book an appointment on 01977 282 100 (Castleford) / 01904 784 040 (Acomb)

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