Minor Eye Conditions Service (MECS)

This is a free service carried out by a qualified Optometrist in your local area, rather than you waiting for an appointment with your GP. You must be registered with a GP in the local area to the Practice to be seen under this scheme.

Conditions that can be seen under this service include:

  • Red eye or eyelids
  • Dry eye or gritty and uncomfortable eye
  • Irritation and inflammation of the eye
  • Significant recent sticky discharge from the eye or watery eye
  • Recently occurring flashes or floaters
  • In-growing eyelashes
  • Foreign body in the eye (something in the eye)
  • Recent or sudden loss of vision

To book an appointment simply call our lovely reception team on: 01977 282 100 (Castleford branch only). The team will gather some details from you regarding your concerns and book you into the first available appointment we have. You will normally be seen within 48 hours.

Things to note for your appointment

The Minor Eye Conditions Service does not include a sight test.

The Optometrist may need to apply drops to your eye(s) to fully assess your complaint. It is therefore advised that you do not drive to your appointment.

Following clinical assessment it may be necessary to refer you to a specialist (Opthalmologist). If this is required we will do this directly with the hospital, making it as easy as possible for you to receive the necessary treatment.

Please note: This service is only available in our Castleford branch.

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